Monday, October 31, 2011

install redis on a AWS EC2.

Step 1. get source from redis web site ( and follow the following instructions.

$ wget
$ tar xzf redis-2.4.2.tar.gz
$ cd redis-2.4.2
$ make

it works fine on my CentOS image running on t1-micro.

1 comment:

  1. $ make test

    Execution time of different units:
    1 seconds - unit/protocol
    1 seconds - unit/printver
    1 seconds - unit/quit
    1 seconds - unit/auth
    1 seconds - unit/pubsub
    1 seconds - unit/slowlog
    4 seconds - unit/type/hash
    4 seconds - unit/cas
    4 seconds - integration/aof
    28 seconds - integration/replication
    28 seconds - unit/expire
    79 seconds - unit/type/list
    132 seconds - unit/type/set
    228 seconds - integration/replication-3
    231 seconds - unit/other
    229 seconds - unit/maxmemory
    234 seconds - unit/type/list-2
    235 seconds - unit/sort
    299 seconds - integration/replication-2
    332 seconds - unit/type/zset
    332 seconds - unit/basic
    385 seconds - unit/type/list-3
