Saturday, April 28, 2012

from my gists (

#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs'); const optimist = require('optimist'); const codepainter = require('../codepainter'); var argv = optimist.options({ 'input': { alias: 'i', default: 'stdin', describe: 'File path to read from', type: 'string' }, 'output': { alias: 'o', default: 'stdout', describe: 'File path to write to', type: 'string' }, 'sample': { alias: 's', describe: 'Code sample path to infer the style from', type: 'string' }, // FIXME: Make it possible to specify this in a file. 'style': { describe: 'JSON string describing the coding style', type: 'string' } }).check(function (argv) { return typeof argv.sample !== 'undefined' || typeof !== 'undefined'; }).argv; var input; if (argv.input === 'stdin') { input = process.stdin; } else { input = fs.createReadStream(argv.input); input.pause(); } input.setEncoding('utf-8'); var output; if (argv.output === 'stdout') output = process.stdout; else output = fs.createWriteStream(argv.output); function transform(style) { codepainter.transform(input, style, output, function (error) { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } }); } if (typeof !== 'undefined') { var style = JSON.parse(; transform(style); } else { var sample; sample = fs.createReadStream(argv.sample); sample.pause(); sample.setEncoding('utf-8'); codepainter.infer(sample, function (error, style) { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } transform(style); }); }

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